Can Payday Loans Be a Way to Help People in Debt?

There are many times when people find themselves in financial struggles and are deep in debt.  When this occurs, sometimes people look for an easy way out like looking toward loan options or credit cards to help take off some of the stress of the financial burdens.  While this seems like a logical solution to find relief of debt, it can actually become more of a burden when people who are borrowing money from a loan company find that their loans are being mishandled either by themselves or the lending company. This method can sometimes only create even bigger financial problems.

While some may see that payday loans are a life saver to get them through some tough financial struggles, these loan options often put people in deeper debts.  It is up to a person and their capability of handling a payday loan to ensure that they actually reap benefits than sink in financial quicksand.

Humans often work on impulse and when considering finances and a way to find a way out of stressful situations, this can be detrimental.  Oftentimes people will see that their checking accounts or pocketbooks are running a little low or may even be overdrawn.  Rather than holding one accountable and working on a budget to try to create a safety net for finances, instead people try to look for other ways to obtain more money to keep up with daily expenses instead of cutting back.  Though cutting back and sticking to a plan it a much better option, people find themselves looking for a way to meet their daily needs and even buy luxury items as simple as a cup of coffee.

The whole concept of payday loans is marketed around the fact of getting easy money fast and now.  This satisfies a person’s need for instant gratification.  Payday loan companies cover themselves by offering short payback terms, high interest rates and simple application approval.   It may sound like someone is getting instant money but the fact of the matter is that sometimes these small loans that appear good at first glance, may end up costing the customer more in the long run.

When looking at an example, a person may get a payday loan for £3500 and pay the loan company £650 over three weeks as per the contract.  It sounds like a pretty good deal and seems like a fairly small amount.  However, if someone were to really calculate the interest rates, a person might find that they are paying back a whopping 1000 percent in interest. When looking at the bigger picture, that is a treacherous amount of money.  In an emergency, it might be something that is absolutely necessary but to buy something with that payday loan that is not essential is plain old irresponsible.

When money is already tight, this will just put someone in a deeper debt.  While a person may need that money now to cover the week’s expenses, think about what it will do over the next few weeks.  A person will have to come up with an extra amount of money just to pay off their loan. A person with a payday loan must be prepared to pay back that loan and have that extra money set aside to make those payments; otherwise it is better to think twice before borrowing money from a payday loan company. While these types of loans are helpful in a pinch, there are a lot of things someone should really consider before ever taking out this type of loan.

It is best to work around a budget and try to cut back costs in simple areas rather than going out and splurging on that cup of coffee at the local bistro or taking in some shopping. People who change their lifestyle and mentality to try to get out of debt rather than create more of it will be much happier with their long term decision.  This is a much more savvy financial decision.