How To Know If You Should Take Out A Quick Cash Advance
1 May 2012 | No Comments | posted by | in Articles
Have you considered taking out a quick cash advance? Maybe it is not something you have thought of doing. Or maybe you thought they were not a smart option. Well, in some cases, it can be exactly what you need to get through a rough financial spot.
Let’s look at the example of a full-time college student, who works part time and manages their money very carefully. Now this student’s car suddenly needs two hundred dollars of repairs, immediately, or he cannot get to his job. If he cannot get to his job, he cannot pay his living expenses. He gets the next installment of his student loan in three months, but he needs the car fixed now.
Okay, this is the perfect time to consider a quick cash advance. This particular student could borrow the money he needed, and make payments on it until his loan comes in, and then pay off the rest of his cash advance. This was not an incident of poor planning or sloppy money skills. This was simply an example of how real life throws us curve balls sometimes.
Although you may not be a college student, there are still many things that come up in our lives that we find ourselves wondering, “What now? How am I going to pay the utility bill now that this happened?”
The sad truth is many people rely on their credit cards for such problems. But the credit card debt in our country is staggering, and more than ever, we need to wean ourselves off from our dependability on credit cards. With a quick cash advance, there is an end in sight. You will know exactly how long it will take to pay back that loan, and you will know that when you pay the last installment, you are done.
If you would have put that same amount on your credit card, and continued to use it, you will be paying the minimum payment indefinitely. If you are ever late or go over the limit, you will be charged other fees, and instead of seeing your balance shrink, you may be dismayed to see it blossom.
A quick cash advance is not the solution to every financial problem. But if you are facing a short term cash flow problem, it can certainly be the perfect solution to your current situation.